Back to work.
Greetings fans,
Yes, that's right, all 12 of you. Although I think only 5 actually read this stuff.
Well I was back in the studio recording on Thursday. It felt good and it went very well. Working on my new album, which is as yet untitled. I'm considering having a contest to let my fans choose the title for the album. I'm torn between 2 song titles, and several that have nothing to do with the songs at all. (A big thank you to my sister Jen for suggesting some of the really wacky ones.)
I'm working with Greek artist Alexandros (see previous posts) on an experiment with one song. Recorded just vocals for him, and he will add the instrumentation. I'm very excited to see how this goes.
I am also writing again. I now have 2 choruses, and a song with 2 verses. So that's three more to add to my unfinished list. My finished list has over 40, so I should have several more albums in me.
The new website is under construction. If I can get the computer to stay online long enough I will get at least the homepage up next week. The others might take a little longer. Time for this week's...
You might be a Molly Myles fan...
If you are tired of cookie-cutter music playing on your stereo.